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Should You Watch Ironman 2?

Tony Stark is back to cinema again with Ironman 2 The Movie. Like its first movie, Ironman 2 give me some surprise of its latest technology in its robot suit and of course new partner – War Machine.  My friend (Codename – digi) and i watch this movie during its premiere at local cinema.

Basically, this movie is about:

Tony Stark (Ironman) brazenly shows up both Hammer and a U.S. Senator during a televised hearing. The government doesn’t like the idea of a private citizen possessing such potentially destructive technology and wants in on how to make it. What if their enemies developed such tech?

Tony dismisses their fears, saying that any such advances are at least 20 years away. But what he doesn’t know is that at that moment an old enemy of his family’s is hard at work in Russia on his own version of Stark Industries’ arc technology. Tony must forge new alliances and confront a powerful new enemy.

Why i like this Ironman 2 :

1) Awesome technology which better than previous Ironman movie.  There is 3 types of ironman suit include a suit case ironman. Villains also equip with high tech suit which able to match with Ironman.

2) Awesome fighting scene that blow you away – Especially at the last scene when  Ironman tag team with War machine to fight with 30 robots.

3) Humor – I love the sense of humor that bring into the movie.

What i dislike :

1) Fighting scene is too short – maybe 10-15 minute and you only can see those big fighting scene at the end of the movie. The villains is too easy to be defeat by ironman and war machine.

2) Quit boring at some scene – Especially Tony start to torture himself and be like a loser. (i wonder why the director put all those loser thing in ironman, he should focus on create some interesting storyline like The Lord of The Ring Trilogy)

3) Not Make Sense – The villain hits by a Rolls Royce which weight a tonne but still can walk and fight?! He didn’t wear any protective suit but still can survive. The Rolls Royce crash he on the wall.  He should be dead.

Overall, this movie is rate at 7.5 /10 stars.

All above just my two cents and my own opinion.  🙂

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