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Funny Hong Kong Girl Takes Revenge on Her Ex-Boyfriend

This is very interesting, today while I am searching for Hong Kong cutie angelababy pictures, I came across a blog (wayangtimes dot com).

This pretty Hong Kong girl is really funny and she is very angry for her ex-boyfriend because he dumped she due to small breast (A cups). OMG!!

So this poor girl decided to take some kind of breast enhance supplements with brand name goes by “C”. After 3 months, she actually enhnce her breast from A to C cups.  So she decide to take revenge and scold her ungrateful ex-boyfriend.

Some peoples are saying that this widely successful viral video is part of a online marketing campaign by a certain Hong Kong health products company.

Believe it or not…?!

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Comment by Digi
2010-02-28 14:03:51

Hmmm…i’m don’t believe the girl got C-Cup ler…she should open up everything and let everyone verify it….

Comment by Martin Loh
2010-02-28 23:44:22

Ha..ha..ha.. please control yourself…bro…

Comment by CSLam
2010-03-03 15:43:50

Eat pills can get C-cup ah? What pill is so ‘geng’ one? MArtin, u should buy for ur girlfriend later….haha

Comment by Martin Loh
2010-03-03 21:15:53

Wait until i got a GF first…

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