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Neo Damansara – Facebook Malaysia New Office

Do you know that facebook will has a new office at Neo Damansara, Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

In case you don’t know, Facebook is hiring Software Engineer from Malaysia and there is a office for those who get hired. Base at Neo Damansara.

If you are interesting working at Facebook Malaysia, then you can try your luck by apply jobs at here.

My two cents:

If  i am a software engineer, i would try my luck to apply this job.  I am sure there will be a lot of benefits and good salary since Facebook is getting famous and able to match with Google in future.

I believe Facebook will become the best job in Malaysia after oils and gas industry and financial field.

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Comment by WP Themes
2010-06-15 03:33:30

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