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Google CEO,Larry Page First Business Card

Can you imagine what is the look of Google CEO (Larry Page and Sergey Brin)’s business card? What you going to do if you received their business card and they offer you a job?

I believe this was 1st business card of  Google CEO, Larry Page – one of Google founder.

Zestyping (Reddit user), wrote the following (as below) in response to thread “Oops. What’s the most expensive mistake you’ve made at work? (Costs to your employer, or yourself)”:

I met both Carl Page and Larry Page at a party hosted by a Stanford friend of mine in 1998. Carl gave me his card for eGroups and said “we’re hiring”. Larry gave me his card for Google — a flimsy bit of paper obviously printed by bubble jet — and said “we’re hiring”. I said, “Nah, who needs another search engine?” and went to graduate school.
Imagine if he accepted the job offer then his life might changed. That’s life. We make decisions and there is no Undo.

Imagine what could happen to him now if he accepted the job offered by google.  He could be millionaire nowadays.

What is your most expensive mistake that you’ve made in your life?

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