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Google AdSense Revenue Share Revealed!

As a Google Adsense publisher, I always wonder how much Google pay me for a click and how much revenue share between Google and publisher like me.

Finanlly, Google revealed its revenue share for Adsense for content and Adsense for search.

For the info given by Google,

AdSense for content: Publisher (68%), Google (32%)

AdSense for search: Publisher (51%), Google (49%)

If you get a click cost USD1.00 in Adsense for content then you will get paid for USD0.68.  It is not bad for me. 🙂

You can check this status from your Google Adsense account.  If you don’t not what is Google Adsense, check my posts on how to make money with Google Adsense.

So what you waiting for, go and apply a Google Adsense and start to make some money NOW!!

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