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Hitler Big Responds to the Apple iPad

Bad news to iPad users,  even Hilter also has big respond to the Apple iPad. 🙂 (This video is actually from youtube and already been viewed for over 3,400,000+ times)

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Comment by CSLam
2010-03-03 15:45:56

This movie had been use over and over again to create some funny joke…they changed the text only. I saw it a few time already…

Comment by Digi
2010-03-19 17:02:07

Really funny…

But if want to compare the Mobile Phone OS performance, refer to the website below:

Basically my favour choice is Window Mobile, a lot of Apps can be found online, OS support Multi-tasking (No like Iphone) like personnel computer. But must admit that Window Mobile are not so user friendly, maybe this is the trade-off.

So what your choice, a mobile phone like a computer or a mobile phone that like a phone…


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